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Er der nogen som kender en god og rimelig i pris jurist ell advokat som er expert i bodeling sager. ? Hvad gør man hvis under bodeling lejligheds værdi er faldet i forhold til markeds andele, når man skulle sælge bostadsrätt, eller hvis man ikke kan sælge? eller sælge med kæmpe underskud? det jo klart man deler underskud... kan man blive smidt ud af bostadsrätt under sådan en situation ? hvis der ikke nogen skyldig beløb eller hænge partier i fohold til boligforening ell banken ?.... seriøse svar.. og forslag ønskes.... på forhånd tak...
Fartfælde/ATK/radar-skur på Peberholm?
webodin replied to Nielsen's topic in Øresundsbroen og færgerne
Hej Alle :) er der nogen som har strejfet tanken om at det kunne bruges til noget andet end ATK kasser ell Politet nye kaffe skuret ? er de ikke bare skurer som en slags kontrol poster til bomme til venstre for dem ? se billeder [ATTACH]4540[/ATTACH][ATTACH]4541[/ATTACH] -
Ja det vil jeg gøre... eks. til Linksys E2000 Ja definitivt.. det gjorde jeg... og lavede en Repeater Bridge med DD-WRT se efter opsætning til Repeater bridge så kan jeg afspille alle MKV filer fra min NAS'er uden problemer...
Til Alle Windows fans er der kommet første preview af Windows 8... så den næste investering af køb af computeren der hjemme må være Touch Screen.... ellers bliver det kedeligt at bruge app's med musen, hehe :) http://www.youtube.com/embed/p92QfWOw88I?hd=1 [ATTACH]4054[/ATTACH]
router til router er en bedre forbindelse...
da de er billigst når det gælder Linksys/Cisco routere af fysisk placeret butik i Malmö....området...
DD-WRT installeret på E4200... det jo kanon, sådan skal det være.... :) har ikke testet helt endnu, men jeg har definitivt installeret DD-WRT på den... jeg installere DD-WRT på alle router som jeg kommer i nærhed af og som kan installeres..DD-WRT firmware... kan varmt anbefales desuden min omgangs kreds har ikke fortrudt dette valg... i alle de tilfælde har jeg forbedret ruterens ydeevne, range, stabilitet.. osv... så jeg vil sikkert installere DD-WRT firmware, og det var det første jeg gjorde, der jeg pakkede E4200 ud af kassen.... det lykkes til sidst... men jeg stadig spekulere over , om hvordan jeg skal hæfte den fast til væggen, mine tanker var over i : åbne routeren og det lykkes, og skrue nogle beslag til bagpladen af routeren bruge velcro, og her findes der en fed løsning Dual-Lock fra 3M Dual-Lock fra 3M
Hej Alle Jeg fik anskaffet mig en Linksys E4200 router, super glad for den, fik hurtigt installeret DD-WRT firmware, og det næste step var jeg skulle hænge routeren på vægen. så fandt jeg ud af at den kan ikke hænges på vægen der er simpelthen ikke lavet huller ell noget lignede så man kunne hænge routeren på vægen. (jeg ved snart ikke hvad designere havde tænkt sig ?) Er der noget som kunne komme med en ide'er til at man kunne hænge E4200 på vægen uden at det ligner en klamphugger arbejde ? :th2:
byg en Repeter Bridge Ja, har lavet en løsning som fungere... jeg har 2 NAS server som er forbundet med kabel til router og har en Samsung tv som kan afspile bl.a. MKV filer som har mulighed at tilslutte kabel... men det er jo besværligt.... at trække kabel gennem hele stuen til et andet værelse hvor routeren står... så jeg fandt på denne nedestående løsning.. bygede en repeter bridge af en linksys router... har teste med: 1: Linksys WRT-54G fungere 95% til blueray afspilning 2: Linksys E2000 fungere 100% til blueray afpilning via repeter bridge med DD-WRT firmware installeret på routeren. så nu har jeg Samsung tv forbundet til min E2000 router som er trådløst forbundet til ḿin main router... se billedet af how to build repeter bridge [ATTACH]4035[/ATTACH]
tilbage til antivirus enmet... jep der findes en masse lister på nettet vedr. open source det var en af dem som forklarer kort , resten må man selv finde ud af... ikke alt skal serveres på sølvfadet.. det er jo open source så det jo klart at man vil finde noget man kan bruge til windows. desuden det var det jeg skrev.. "gimp kan ikke erstatte photoshop" så hvis man ikke vil kører photoshop på windows må man anskaffe sig en MAC.... det har du ret, åbenbart er jeg ikke blev påvirket af dette i flere år ... nu var der tale om AntiVirus... og ikke hardwarefejl.... hardwarefejl kan ikke undgås... :th2:
man kan ikke erstate GIMP med Adobe PhotoShop, men der findes Open sorce alternativer hvis man ikke er en grafiker ... Open source software List: Archimedes 0.52.0 Archimedes is a computer aided design (CAD) solution focusing on architectural design. While the current version of Archimedes may not be mature enough for all - this project is very promising. It... Avidemux 2.4.1 Avidemux offers simple video editing for your PC, but packs many more features than that. This open source project is great for DVD/DivX converting and editing. Avidemux also has scripting support... Blender 2.46 Blender is a free 3D animation and modeling suite. It includes tools for modeling - fast subdivision surface and polygon tools, multi-resolution mesh sculpting, metaballs, NURBS, vector fonts, and... BRL-CAD 7.10 BRL-CAD is an open source cad systems based around constructive solid geometry (csg) modeling. On top of all of it's modeling features, such as the interactive geometry editor, BRL-CAD offers... Cinelerra 4.0 Cinelerra is a highly advanced and professional video editing, but still remains open source. Cinelerra solves three main tasks: capturing, editing and compositing. There is virtually no limit to the... CinePaint 0.23 Started as a fork of the Gimp project, the goal is to create a more professional graphical editing application aimed at the movie industry. One of the major differences from Gimp is that CinePaint... Cornice 0.6.2 Cornice was originally developed to provide more or less the same functionality of ACDSee but on Linux. But since it was developed using Python program language - it is now available on virtually any... Dia 0.96 Dia is designed to be much like the commercial Windows program 'Visio'. It can be used to draw many different kinds of diagrams. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship... Gimp 2.6 Probably the oldest and most well-known open source graphic application - GNU Image Manipulation Program or Gimp was started in 1995 and has since then grown to the status it has today. Gimp is a... Gimpshop 2.2.11 If you feel at home in Photoshop, but need an open source alternative - Gimpshop is the way to go. Gimpshop is a hack made on top of the original Gimp project which changes all menues, dialogs, etc.,... Greenshot 0.8 Greenshot is a screenshot tool, supports several image formats as well as saving part or all of a screen into a file within one second's time. This program takes only a small amount of memory, a... Imgv 3.1.5 Imgv is a versatile image viewer that support all common image formats - and allows you to easily browse through all of your pictures. Image data including exif information can be displayed on top of... Inkscape 0.48 Inkscape is an open source 2d vector graphics editor. Supports all of the standard drawing features your will find in similar commercial product. Curves (bezier), lines, freehand drawing including... Jahshaka 2.0 Jahshaka brings the power of movie editing and effects to the open source environment. This free tool will offer almost the same features your will find in a profession/commercial editing suite.... K-3D K3-D is a 3D modeling and animation software. Configured for optimal visualization, its flexible plugins and versatile tools make it a real asset for artists. This software adapts to your... Karbon14 1.5.0 Karbon14 is a vector drawing application part of the open source KOffice suite. Being a vector based drawing program everything drawn is store as geometric shapes allowing you to scale you drawing up... Kino 1.3 Kino is open source non-linear video editing at it's best. Easily imports DV video through IEEE-1394 (firewire) and allow detailed editing and transition effect for both video and audio. The move... Krita 1.6.1 Krita is open source bitmap editing and drawing with the following advanced features: 16-bit image support, High dynamic resolution images, CMYK and even color management. As part of the KOffice... KToon 0.9 KToon is an open source 2d vector animation toolkit with focus on on the cartoon industry. All of the features you would expect of such a products is there: drawing tools, layers, keyframes, time... KWord 1.6.1 KWord is a part of the open source office suite KOffice. KWord is more than just a simple word processor, with its frame-based layout capability it can act like any commercial DTP tool and even... OpenLaszlo 4.0 OpenLaszlo is an open source development platform for web applications. It's main target today is generating macromedia flash files (swf)and AJAX/DHTML for use on web pages and sites. OpenLaszlo is... OpenOffice Draw 3.0 Open Office Draw, part of the Open Office package, wasn't designed to compete with high-end graphics packages but is an easy to use, effective drawing tool that makes it simple to create flowcharts,... Pencil 0.4.4b Pencil is a program of creating of hand-drawn animation. When creating animations it uses four types of layers: vector graphics, bitmap, sound and camera. These layers and be added or removed... Pinta Pinta is a cross platform drawing and editing program. It uses some of the code from Paint, so it has the advantage of being familiar to users who have played around with Paint. It is a drawing and... Pixie 2.2.3 Pixie is a RenderMan like photo realistic renderer. It is being developed in the hope that it will be useful for graphics research and for people who can not afford a commercial renderer. Pixie is an... Potrace 1.8 Potrace is an open source tool for converting bitmap images or raster to vector drawings. Even though Potrace is only a command line tool - its output is of the highest quality. It supports the most... QCad Community Edition QCad Community Edition is an open source edition of RibbonSoft's CAD system. QCad is a 2D CAD application that aims at being simple enough for anyone to use - even users with no previous CAD... Qtpfsgui 1.9 Qtpfsgui is a tool for tone mapping HDR photography (high dynamic range imaging), which combines several photos of the same thing but taken at different exposures, resulting in a true representation... Scribus 1.3 Scribus brings open source award-winning professional page layout to Linux and *nix desktops, but also supports Windows and Mac OS. As a DTP tool it supports professional publishing features, such as... Seashore 0.1.9 Seashore, an open source image editing program for the MacOS's Cocoa framework, stands somewhere between the old MacPaint and Photoshop. Its advantage lies in serving the basic image editing needs... Skencil 0.6 Skencil is an open source interactive vector drawing application. It is a flexible and powerful tool for illustrations, diagrams and other purposes. If you are migrating from Adobe Illustrator - or... Synfig 0.61.08 Synfig is an open source 2d vector animation program with focus on automated tweening. Synfig is made for artists and is great for cartoons. Its main feature for automated tweening make all motion in... UFRaw 0.16 UFRaw or Unidentified Flying Raw - is an open source raw photo editor and converter. It is based on DCRaw (written by David Coffin) and can be used either as a standalone application - or as a... VirtualDub 1.7.8 VirtualDub is an open source video processor/editor. Even though it may not be able to do advanced editing like non-linear video editors - it has powerful features for processing your video clips.... Desuden det er super at du nævner Linux er så 90'..... der jeg har ikke brugt AntiVirusProgram siden 90' på nogen af de maskiner jeg operere.... gad godt at vide om der findes WIndows maskine der vil kunne køre uden antivirusprogrammet ell BlueScreenOfDeath siden 90'erne... hehehe....
det er utroligt at man gidder smide pengene efter en antivirus program når der findes en masse alternativer.... man kan vælge at køre Linux... der behøver man ikke bruge antivirus.... når man enelig vil gerne bruge penge på uduelige OS, så findes der f.eks. www.filehippo.com.... der findes en masse GRATIS alternativer....
hvis man mangler plads, og vil ikke investere i egen NAS kunne ADRIVE: med 50GB være svaret.... ADrive’s Basic plan offers individual users 50GB of online storage and backup for all file types including access to our basic service features, all for FREE. With our Basic plan you will have the essentials to store, backup, share, and edit your documents online. The Basic plan is intended for individual or personal use. Business users can view our Signature and Premium plans for more security, storage, and access. Basic Plan Features: * Universal Access * 50GB Storage Capacity (per account) * File Sharing * Folder/Directory Upload * File Download * Easy Search Tool * Remote File Transfer * International Character Support * Zoho® Editor Sign up for the free ADrive Basic plan. Need more than just the Basic plan? Compare our available storage and backup solutions to find a plan that best suits you. Looking for a storage and backup solution for your business? Please visit our Enterprise Solutions.